Question: If you were to add bugs to your corn then will it cause the corn to grow better?
Procedure: I did all this in what you do is grab the put it in the ECB infestation press Grow then repeat this two more times and this time add in low and then high bug infestation then you would weigh it and compare it to the other corn and compare how the bugs effected the corn then weigh one corn then the other and then add them up and divide it by three and you will get your average and the average will tell you wether or not bugs help it grow better or not. Bt is a bacterium soil that is found worldwide and it creates crystalline proteins that is stomach poisons for some insects so they inject it into the corn to kill off the bugs so they won't destroy the corn.
Claims: Corn with infestation helps corn grow better.

Reflection: My thoughts on this experiment were wrong because I thought having a higher infestation will make the corn better but as you can see from my research and evidence my claim was wrong.
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