Thursday, January 28, 2016

Meiosis, Mitosis, and Cloning

Meiosis: A cell that produces 4 daughter nuclei and is only used for sexual reproduction that requires 2 nuclei divisions

Mitosis: A cell that produces 2 daughter nuclei and is only for asexual reproduction and growth that requires only 1 nuclei division

Cloning: Cloning requires only your cell and it copies it exactly

Differences between Meiosis, Mitosis, and Cloning:


  • Requires 2 nuclear divisions, 
  • Chromosomes synapse and cross over
  • Centromeres Survive one anaphase, 
  • Halves chromosome number, 
  • Producers 4 daughter nuclei, 
  • Produces daughter cells genetically different from parent and each other, 
  • Used only for sexual reproduction 


  • Requires 1 nuclear division, 
  • Chromosomes do not synapse nor cross over, 
  • Centromeres dissolve in mitotic anaphase, 
  • Preservers chromosome number, 
  • Produces 2 daughter nuclei, 
  • Produces daughter cells genetically identical from parent and each other,
  • Used for asexual reproduction and growth 

  • so far we can't clone humans yet, but we have cloned a sheep
  • use small pipets to grab the cell and extract the nuclei from the cell and transfer it to another cell 

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