1. How do the authors of this page define microevolution? Microevolution is evolution on a small scale — within a single population. That means narrowing our focus to one branch of the tree of life.
2. How do they define a population? For animals, it's fairly easy to decide what a population is. It is a group of organisms that interbreed with each other — that is, they all share a gene pool. So for our species of beetle, that might be a group of individuals that all live on a particular mountaintop and are potential mates for one another.
--Read the section “Mechanisms of Microevolution”
3. Summarize each of the 4 mechanisms of microevolutionary change that are discussed.
Mutation: a rare process of change when a species gives birth
Migration (or genetic flow): some species who mate with a different type of specie like if some certain type of beetle mates with another type of beetle
Genetic Drift: one non mutated specie mating with a non mutated specie. One mutated specie mates with a mutated specie. one mutated and another mutated specie mate.
Natural selection: Depending on the environment a specie will mutate to survive the change in the environment.
4. Summarize the 3 examples of microevolution that they present.
The size of the sparrow: It depends on the environment so the sparrow will have to change to survive.
coping with global warming: depending on the temperature the specie will either move to a warmer place or the offsprings will have more feathers or be much bigger.
Building resistance: for example if you were to have an infection and will have to take medication for the certain amount of days and you take it once and miss a couple days then the infection will do what ever it takes to survive so it will build resistance to that medication.
Part 2
- Why do some guppies tend to be drabber than others? So they can hide away from predators
- Why do some guppies tend to be more colorful? so they can mate
- What role does color play in guppy survival? if they are a dark color it makes it easer for them to survive and if they are colorful they will have offsprings
- Explain the push and pull that the environment (including predators) has on the
coloration of guppies in Endler’s pools.
If the environment is dark and there is a dark guppies they they can hid from predators and if the predators are dark in a dark environment the guppies can be caught by the predators because the guppies will not be able to see the predators but if the guppies are colorful in a dark environment they are less likely to survive because they are easier to be seen by predators and if the predators are colorful in a dark environment they probably won't survive very long because they won't be able to catch any guppies because they will have already seen the predator and they get away. vice versa if they lived in a brighter more colorful environment
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